Albert Daykin

Mr. Daykin has been practicing law for over 35 years as a Plaintiff’s attorney. He has represented clients in a variety of practice areas including personal injury, wrongful death, childcare abuse and negligence, sexual abuse, and several other areas of law. Mr. Daykin’s vast experience stems from the fact that he has engaged in general litigation, taking on cases against large, multinational hotel conglomerates, law enforcement agencies, churches, and factory vehicle dealerships, rather than focusing only on a particular area of law. Mr. Daykin is a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and understands complex legal issues concerning business accounting, fraud, taxes, and other legal issues related to accounting. 

Mr. Daykin received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting from the University of Georgia and his law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law. Mr. Daykin work as Of Counsel with Pourreza Law and has worked with attorney Payam Pourreza for nearly a decade on numerous Plaintiffs’ cases.